Leuchtturm 1917 Practice Layout Grids

I was given my first Leuchtturm1917 notebook for my birthday, and I’m going to give a modified bullet journal system a go for the new year. It’s essentially what I already do for work, but I’ve been wishing for a place to keep lists and other things together. Diving down the BuJo rabbit hole on Pinterest has given a lot of ideas, but I keep going back to the layout that I used in my DIY agenda/planner from a few years ago. It needs some tweaks, however, as I wasted a lot of space in a layout that wasn’t conducive to how I function.

Not wanting to mess up my crisp new Lauchtturm (from LarryPost… impeccable packaging, btw), I was hoping to find some practice grids to see what layouts might work. Despite endless daily, monthly, future plan, tracker and collection layout options, I couldn’t find anything to help me plan my planner.

So I made up my own blank grid layout pages. (Planner Dot Grid Practice Pages PDF) I counted the dots on the page and counted the dots on the pdf so many times, I think I might go blind, but I believe this is a fair representation of the dots in the book.

IG: @carrotbooks

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